Intentionality and transcendence as core components of the spiritual-religious experience

A review of the psycho-clinical research on spirituality from the phenomenology of Dietrich von Hildebrand


  • Teresa Gargiulo CONICET



spirituality, Hildebrand, trascendence, intentionality, religion


Abstract: In psycho-clinical research the notion of spirituality acquires a semantic plurality. This equivocal and ambiguous connotation that characterizes this term represents an obstacle to the epistemic and methodological validity of research designs, recognized as the threat to construct validity. In order to overcome this difficulty, we introduce, from Dietrich von Hildebrand's phenomenology, the notions of intentionality and transcendence insofar as these are capable of accounting for the specific element of the spiritual-religious phenomenon and discriminating it from the other phenomena or variables that may be included under the notion of spirituality. This conceptual elucidation task allows evaluating the legitimacy of the variable selection process and establishing why they are or are not representatives of the phenomenon of spiritual-religious experience. 


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How to Cite

Gargiulo, Teresa. 2022. “Intentionality and Transcendence As Core Components of the Spiritual-Religious Experience: A Review of the Psycho-Clinical Research on Spirituality from the Phenomenology of Dietrich Von Hildebrand”. European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (3):71-94.



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