
  • Carlos Miguel Gómez Universidad del Rosario
  • Angel Rivera-Novoa Universidad de Antioquia



Anti-realism, Hermeneutic realism, Trascendence, Co-creation, continuous creation


This   paper   attempts   to   delineate   a   kind   of   realism,   which   incorporates some anti-realistic insights regarding the perspective, situated, and  historical  character  of  our  forms  of  knowing  and  being  in  the  world,  and which resonates with the basic tenets of Christian theism. The first part of the paper analyzes the challenges anti-realism poses to Christian theism, particularly  regarding  the  role,  which  the  doctrine  of  creation  played  in  securing  the  correspondence  theory  of  truth  as  well  as  the  fundamental  experience of God as the foundation of order and meaning. Using Heidegger’s hermeneutics in the second part, it is shown that epistemic pluralism can be made compatible with realism. Given that this form of hermeneutic realism still has problems with integrating the transcendence of God, as well as his/her presence and action in the “world,” the notion of continuous co-creation as  the  basis  for  a  pluralist  realism  that  is  amenable  to  Christian  theism  is  explored in the final part.


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How to Cite

Gómez, Carlos Miguel, and Angel Rivera-Novoa. 2022. “THEISM AND REALISM: GOD IN THE (HUMANLY CONSTITUTED) WORLD”. European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (4):96-122.



Research Articles